Functions, design standards, and block diagram of the mainboard

This post is lesson 14 of 42 in the subject Computer Hardware

The CPU is the brain of the computer, while the mainboard is the backbone. This article will introduce mainboard types and the block diagram of the mainboard.

1. Function of the mainboard

The mainboard is the primary circuit that connects all the components and peripherals in a computer. It’s also referred to as the mainboard or system board.

Mainboard Desktop

2. Types of Desktop mainboard

AT (Advanced Technology) mainboard: This is an older mainboard that is typically used with the Intel 486 and Intel Pentium II CPUs. It has a small size.

Mainboard ATX

ATX (Advanced Technology Extended) mainboard: easily attach expansion boards and use an ATX power supply unit.

Design of mainboard ATX
Mainboard ATX

BTX (Balanced Technology Extended) mainboard: This is intended for high-end personal computers that have good cooling systems.

Design of mainboard BTX
Mainboard BTX

These types of mainboards are designed for desktop computers, while laptop computers have their own specific designs.

Mainboard Laptop

3. Block diagram of the mainboard

The block diagram illustrates the connections among the components found on the motherboard.

Block diagram of mainboard

The mainboard consists of many components:

  • Socket
  • Chipset
  • Bus system
  • RAM slot
  • Expansion slot
  • Rear panel
  • etc.
Components of mainboard
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