Operations on Set data structure in Python

This post is lesson 27 of 54 in the subject Python Programming Language

In the article Set data structure in Python, you learned about Sets. In this article, let’s look at some operations on Set data structure in Python.

1. Traverse each element of a Set

Use a for loop to traverse each element of a Set in Python.

my_set1 = {'gochocit', True, 5, 'com'}
for x in my_set1:
    print(x, end=' ')

my_set2 = {1, -7.5, 'hello', 1, 'hello'}
for x in my_set2:
    print(x, end=' ')


True com 5 gochocit
1 -7.5 hello

2. Set Operators

2.1. Union Operator

The union of 2 Sets will create a new Set consisting of all elements in both Sets. We can use the | operator or the union() function to combine 2 Sets.

union operator of the set
Union operator of the set
my_set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
my_set2 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
# Union using operator |
my_set3 = my_set1 | my_set2
print("Union using operator |:", my_set3)

# Union using union()
my_set4 = my_set1.union(my_set2)
print("Union using union():", my_set4)


Union using operator |: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
Union using union(): {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

2.2. Intersection Operator

The intersection of 2 Sets will create a new Set consisting of only elements in both Sets. We can use the & operator or the intersection() function to intersect 2 Sets.

intersection operator of the set
intersection operator of the set
my_set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
my_set2 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
# Intersection using operator &
my_set3 = my_set1 & my_set2
print("Intersection using operator &:", my_set3)

# Intersection using intersection()
my_set4 = my_set1.intersection(my_set2)
print("Intersection using intersection():", my_set4)


Intersection using operator &: {4, 5}
Intersection using intersection(): {4, 5}

2.3. Difference Operator

The difference between 2 Sets will create a new Set consisting of only elements in Set 1 that are not in Set 2. We can use the – operator or the difference() function to find the difference between 2 Sets.

difference operator of the set
difference operator of the set
my_set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
my_set2 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
# Difference using operator -
my_set3 = my_set1 - my_set2
print("Difference using operator -:", my_set3)

# Difference using difference()
my_set4 = my_set1.difference(my_set2)
print("Difference using difference():", my_set4)


Difference using operator -: {1, 2, 3}
Difference using difference(): {1, 2, 3}

2.4. Symmetric Difference Operator

The symmetric difference between 2 Sets will create a new Set consisting of only elements in either Set 1 or Set 2, but not in both. We can use the ^ operator or the symmetric_difference() function to find the symmetric difference of 2 Sets.

symmetric difference operator of the set
symmetric difference operator of the set
my_set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
my_set2 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
# Symmetric Difference using operator ^
my_set3 = my_set1 ^ my_set2
print("Symmetric Difference using operator ^:", my_set3)

# Symmetric Difference using symmetric_difference()
my_set4 = my_set1.symmetric_difference(my_set2)
print("Symmetric Difference using symmetric_difference():", my_set4)


Symmetric Difference using operator ^: {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}
Symmetric Difference using symmetric_difference(): {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}

3. Set Methods

Python supports many methods to make it easier to work with Sets. Some standard methods used with Sets are described in the table below.

add()Adds an element to the Set
clear()Removes all elements from the Set
copy()Returns a copy of the Set
difference()Returns a Set containing all elements that are in Set 1 but not in Set 2
difference_update()Returns Set S1 after removing elements found in Set S2
discard()Remove a specific element from the Set
intersection()Returns a Set containing only elements that are in both Sets
intersection_update()Returns Set S1 keeping only elements also found in Set S2
isdisjoint()Returns whether two Sets have an intersection or not
issubset()Returns whether another Set contains this Set or not
issuperset()Returns whether this Set contains another Set or not
pop()Removes an arbitrary element from the Set
remove()Removes the specified element from the Set
symmetric_difference()Returns a Set containing all elements that are in either Set 1 or Set 2, but not in both
symmetric_difference_update()Returns Set S1 with elements from Set S1 or Set S2 but not both
union()Returns a Set containing all elements from both Sets
update()Returns Set S1 with elements added from S2

Example using Set methods

my_set1 = {'John', 'Marry', 'Henry'}
my_set2 = {'Kane', 'Cris', 'John'}

# add()
print("add my_set1:", my_set1)

# clear()
print("clear my_set1:", my_set1)

# copy()
my_set_copy = my_set2.copy()
print("copy my_set2:", my_set_copy)

# isdisjoint()
my_set1 = {'John', 'Marry', 'Henry'}
my_set2 = {'Kane', 'Cris', 'John'}
print("my_set1 havenot a intersection with my_set2?", my_set1.isdisjoint(my_set2))
my_set1 = {'John', 'Marry', 'Henry'}
my_set2 = {'Kane', 'Cris', 'Son'}
print("my_set1 havenot a intersection with my_set2?", my_set1.isdisjoint(my_set2))

# update()
print("update my_set1:", my_set1)


add my_set1: {'Marry', 'Henry', 'Son', 'John'}
clear my_set1: set()
copy my_set2: {'Kane', 'Cris', 'John'}
my_set1 havenot a intersection with my_set2? False
my_set1 havenot a intersection with my_set2? True
update my_set1: {'Kane', 'Henry', 'John', 'Marry', 'Cris', 'Son'}
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