Introduction to Python Programming Language

This post is lesson 1 of 54 in the subject Python Programming Language

1. Course Summary

  • Concepts about the Python programming language.
  • Common data structures in Python.
  • Processing operations with files, XML, and JSON files using Python.
  • How to connect database management systems with Python.
  • Object-oriented programming in Python.

2. Course Objectives

Help students understand the knowledge of Python:

  • Basic concepts, and data structures in Python.
  • Processing with files, XML, and JSON files using Python.
  • Connecting database management systems with Python.
  • Building classes and creating objects with Python.
  • Mastering Python editors and interpreters to execute Python programs.
  • Analyzing, designing, and implementing common computer problems using Python.

3. Course Learning Outcomes

  • Present basic concepts of Python programming.
  • Present basic data types, variables, operators, control structures, functions, type data structures, and processing operations with files, XML, and JSON files using Python.
  • Analyze, design, and implement common computer problems using Python.
  • Apply Python’s data structures to solve real-world data processing problems.

4. Course Content

Lesson 1 – Introduction to Python Programming Language

Part 1 – Basic knowledge of Python

Lesson 2 – Installing Python and dev environment with Visual Studio Code

Lesson 3 – How is a Python program executed?

Lesson 4 – Basic Components and Syntax in a Python Program

Lesson 5 – Variables and Constants in Python

Lesson 6 – Basic data types in Python

Lesson 7 – Types of Operators in Python

Lesson 8 – Basic input/output in Python

Lesson 9 – Variable memory and memory management in Python

Part 2 – Branching and loop structures in Python

Lesson 10 – If…else branching control structure in Python

Lesson 11 – For loop control structure in Python

Lesson 12 – While loop control structure in Python

Lesson 13 – Loops in Python: Using the break, continue, and pass statements

Part 3 – Building Functions in Python

Lesson 14 – How to Define a Function in Python?

Lesson 15 – Parameters of a function in Python

Lesson 16 – Distinguishing global, local, and nonlocal variables in Python

Lesson 17 – How to Create a Recursive Function in Python?

Lesson 18 – What is a lambda function in Python?

Lesson 19 – Guide to using Decorators in Python

Lesson 20 – Using module and package in Python

Part 4 – Basic data structures in Python

Lesson 21 – Using the String data type in Python

Lesson 22 – The list data structure in Python

Lesson 23 – Operations on the List Data Structure in Python

Lesson 24 – The Tuple Data Structure in Python

Lesson 25 – Operations on Tuple Data Structure in Python

Lesson 26 – Set data structure in Python

Lesson 27 – Operations on Set data structure in Python

Lesson 28 – Dictionary Data Structure in Python

Lesson 29 – Operations on Dictionary Data Structure in Python

Part 5 – Handling exceptions in Python

Lesson 30 – Errors and Exceptions in Python

Lesson 31 – Handling exceptions in Python

Part 6 – Object-oriented programming in Python

Lesson 32 – Building classes and creating objects in Python

Lesson 33 – The init() constructor function of a class in Python

Lesson 34 – Inheritance in Python

Lesson 35 – Multiple inheritance in Python

Lesson 36 – Encapsulation and polymorphism in Python

Lesson 37 – Operator overloading in Python

Lesson 38 – User-Defined Exception in Python

Part 7 – File, XML, and JSON operations in Python

Lesson 39 – Opening and reading a file with Python

Lesson 40 – Writing, creating, and deleting a file with Python

Lesson 41 – Operations on directories with Python

Lesson 42 – Reading an XML file with Python

Lesson 43 – Writing an XML file with Python

Lesson 44 – Reading a JSON file with Python

Lesson 45 – Writing a JSON file with Python

Lesson 46 – Converting XML data to JSON data in Python

Lesson 47 – Converting JSON data to XML data in Python

Part 8 – MySQL Database Management System and Python

Lesson 48 – Connecting to the MySQL Database Management System in Python

Lesson 49 – Creating a database and table in MySQL with Python

Lesson 50 – Inserting and deleting data in MySQL with Python

Lesson 51 – Querying data and using the where clause in MySQL with Python

Lesson 52 – Updating data and using the drop clause in MySQL with Python

Lesson 53 – Order by and limit statements in MySQL with Python

Lesson 54 – Join statement in MySQL with Python

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